Entries by Matt Nolan

Posting trouble

Hi all, For some reason I can’t post anything particularly long at the moment – as the site doesn’t like me. As a result, none of the ideas I have for posts can be satisfactorily placed on the site. I can still comment though – its just taking a while. If you want you can […]

No turning point in housing

It is interesting to see the real estate blog calling a “turning point” in the housing market. For the sake of completeness, I’m going to attempt to call the opposite – namely I am going to put down the case for why the housing market will continue to remain slow. Note that I am stating […]

Is economics not transparent enough?

Is economics not transparent enough? I ask this question after reading this awesome post from the Freakonomics post (ht Antidismal) (Disclaimer: It is really only awesome if you are into economics 😛 ). Specifically, these two points that are often raised in presentations: 23. The motivation of the agents in this theory is so narrowly […]

The debt binge – who to “blame”?

Has anyone else noticed the large swath of BNZ articles turning up around the internet, both on the Rates Blog and on Business Day (they also do more writing on their homepage). It is good – I like seeing economists getting out there and writing things. Anyway, while I was looking through all these articles […]