Entries by Matt Nolan

Trade-ins: What’s the point

Yesterday I was talking to my partner about the lack of videos available for her iPod. I was prattling on about how there probably isn’t many videos because the penetration of the video iPod is probably quite low. The reason I believed that the penetration was quite low, was because I couldn’t see lots of […]

What is modern business cycle theory

If you want to know, have a look at this post. It is completely non-technical, and explains the way macro-economists look at things pretty danged well! (ht Marginal Revolution). Fundamentally, this view of the business cycle is highly focused on methodological individualism – the business cycle occurs in the context of individuals maximising their happiness […]

Capacity constraints and borrowing to spend

Over at the Standard, Steve Pierson raises the fair point that borrowing to “spend” at the moment is likely to increase inflationary pressures – as capacity in the economy is limited. He uses this idea as a criticism of Nationals “borrow to fund infrastructure policy”. As a purely demand story this makes sense – however […]