Entries by Matt Nolan

Diminishing marginal utility of income and “big ticket” items

One of the main justifications for redistribution policies is “diminishing marginal utility”. We have already discussed that this doesn’t really make sense as we can’t compare peoples “utility”. For example, people that receive higher utility from consumption will work more and thereby will earn a higher income – from here we cannot tell whether the […]

NZ inflation hits 4% – Ouch

Other people have more to say about today’s inflation result than I do (Interest blog) (the Standard) (Tumeke). Really, today’s result was pretty much what everyone was expecting – except for a stronger than expected increase in food prices (thanks to a mix of meat and fruit and veges). However, this slight uptick does make […]

Reply: On flat tax

Over at the Standard they are discussing the perceived inequity associated with a shift from a progressive income tax system to a flat income tax system. This is an issue we have discussed before in this post. In the post we asked “what is the equality-efficiency trade-off” and “is the tax system the best way […]