The real Alan Bollard
Tell you the truth – this is gold! (ht Not-PC). The full set of adventures are caught here (*).
Matt Nolan is a NZ born Sydney based economist. Views expressed here are my own and are unrelated to my organisations.
Tell you the truth – this is gold! (ht Not-PC). The full set of adventures are caught here (*).
It appears that the Standard is unhappy (*) (*) (*) with the ANZ-National piece on government sector spending (*). Now the criticisms of the ANZ-National line appear to be: Its only a 4 page insert in there weekly report, The definition of backroom and frontline is self-serving and wrong, The report relies on the belief […]
Eric Crampton from the University of Canterbury pointed out that there will be an interesting presentation on tax policy on the Tuesday the 15th of July. It will be hosted at the University of Canterbury (further details below the flap). The lecture will be presented by Professor Joel Slemrod and is titled Tax policy in […]
Agnitio discussed a number of the important points surrounding the price of the 3G iPhone that is coming to Australia. If you are one of them you might want to also hire one of these phone plan deals. For goodness sake, it is a discretionary item. If Apple and Vodafone want to charge a whole […]
My favourite quote by Rousseau is the title of this post “men are born free, but everywhere they are in chains. When I was a young boy of 16 I interpreted this with predetermined judgments, namely freedom is good and chains are bad. As a result my feeling was that I should try to break […]
Note: Other posts in this discussion are available under the tag “inflation debate“. Hi again everyone. Apologises for the delay getting this out, I have been sick. I’m still feeling quite sick, so if you read anything you think is wrong be sure to comment on it – as it probably is. Without too many […]