Entries by Matt Nolan

Discussion Tuesday

This one is from the magical world of Twitter: Sometimes our biases are smarter than we are. — David Gurri (@dtgurri) January 13, 2014 Once again, remember that these are points for discussion – I am not saying I agree or disagree with them.

Quote of the Day: Kolm on inequality

One of the forefathers of modern income inequality analysis, Serge-Christophe Kolm, started one of his most famous papers (REPEC) in the following way: Many people consider the reduction of economic inequalites as a basic aim of society. Such ideas are, however, largely nonoperational, sterile, and even meaningless, as long as what is called inequality is not […]

Other reviews of Capital

Having looked into our own review of Capital, and discussed some of the common misconceptions of the book, now is the time to allow a bit more perspective.  Here are a bunch of other reviews of Capital in the 21st Century that I have hunted down.  There is no way I’m saying I agree with […]

Book review: Capital

Here is my book review of Capital in the Twenty-First Century [Review of Capital].  I have tried to avoid other reviews, so that I can give a perspective based on my own reading of the book – the only bits I’ve noted before now are these discussions, this twitter post, these “reviews”, and this interview. […]

Discussion Tuesday (on Monday)

Continuing on with value judgements: Social groups can evolve to changing social structure surprisingly rapidly.  As a result, basing policy on inherent “social values” (such as for housing) is at best an exaggeration, and at worst nonsensical. Once again, remember that these are points for discussion – I am not saying I agree or disagree […]