Entries by Matt Nolan

Bleg on solar loans

I’m not an energy economist, and am currently a bit short on time, so I thought I’d outsource discussing the new Greens policy on solar.  As a matter of principle I see it as saying “consumers are credit constrained, the energy sector has issues of competition, and the installation capacity exists, given that government loans […]

Salvation army “state of the nation” report

Via the Herald I spotted this State of the Nation report by the Salvation Army (Note:  The core report can be found here).  It is nicely put together, taking a whole series of publicly available data and making it fit for public consumption!  Also I appreciate their focus on shining attention on issues that get […]

On GDP and policy

Excellent article over at Aeon (we linked to earlier in the week, but it deserves its own post), I’d suggest you head over and give it a read.  To quote one passage: Kuznets lost the argument about measuring social welfare over economic activity back in the 1930s. Now it’s time to put these two concepts in […]

More questioning of the efficacy of Kiwisaver

On stuff I noticed the following comments by Michael Littlewood. “Simply citing that there are 2.2 million members and $19 billion in the scheme doesn’t actually tell you anything,” the paper’s author, Michael Littlewood said. “It just tells you that KiwiSaver’s popular – and why wouldn’t it be, with the incentives that it has.” Littlewood […]