Entries by Matt Nolan

Folk addiction = time inconsistency?

As you may or may not know, I am a vegetarian.  As a result, occasionally I talk myself into needing more protein.  To do this I eat cashews, which I think are actually just mainly fat, but are very yummy. Anyways, I went along to the supermarket and purchased a small number of cashews.  The […]

Discussion Tuesday

I’m currently working part time and studying full time, which has significantly reduced the time I have to blog – even my normal plan of “writing the week ahead on Saturday morning” is starting to get stretched.  So to ensure that something will be up, I’m throwing up aimless metaphors and quotes and leaving them […]

What are we asking with productivity in NZ?

Danyl posted about the recent Productivity Commission paper on Australia vs NZ productivity differences recently.  If you ignore the politics and conspiracy (the timing of the paper was well known and they were asking people to write about it, hence why I wrote this at the time) he asks a good questions, why have we […]

Absolute minimums and relative poverty

Recently we discussed the idea of the equity-efficiency trade-off in very broad terms.  As we noted, in order to discuss such a concept we need to think about a series of issues about groups.  Some of these are easier to conceptualise than others – one of the simplest (albeit not simple) is poverty. Now anti-poverty […]