Entries by Matt Nolan

Religion and institutions

I see the Pope made some comments about capitalism and social justice, and a bunch of economists were unhappy with this (Mankiw, Sumner) – or were unhappy with the way economists viewed the Pope’s comments.  Note:  This piece is a good discussion. My view is easily summarized.  Meh.  I grew up in a Catholic family, […]

Global income inequality

Via Overcoming Bias I spotted this paper on global income inequality, 1970-2009.  Robin points out to be careful, as this doesn’t capture non-financial inequality, and it doesn’t look at the “lifecycle” of individuals – just snapshots of income dispersion at a point in time.  Of course, these missing bits are due to data limitations, the […]

Also, careful justifying inequality

You have seen me say that some inequality is “good”, and you have seen Shamubeel say that inequality is “natural”.  It was with this in mind that Shaz told me to post about this comment from Boris Johnson. Despite calling for more to be done to help talented people from poor backgrounds to advance — […]