Entries by Matt Nolan

From a listener: Statistics NZ talk on wellbeing

As you saw from Shamubeel’s post this morning, there was a discussion on well-being and statistics to celebrate the International Year of Statistics – an event that Shamubeel spoke at.  Donal summarised the event here. It was good times and all, well-being is important, as is measurement.  All the speeches were good, with Phillip Walker […]

A bunch of interesting links

All links via Marginal Revolution – all things I want to comment on, but do not have the time.  View this as a sort of saving space! A site focused on ‘fixing up undergrad economics‘.  This essay was worth reading.  However, looking at their target I am not sure it is undergrad they are necessarily […]

Value and Doctor Who

Today is Doctor Who’s 50th anniversary.  Seeing that I wanted to do an “economics of Dr Who” post … but how do I do that?  All the Time Lords are dead, and the other people involved are either human or weird aliens that are in conflict in some way.  There isn’t really much of an […]