Entries by Matt Nolan

In defence of economists

I see that the Listener (ht Agnitio) has picked up on this piece on psychology today (ht Andrew F), which claims that an education in economics inherently changes our behaviour making economists worse citizens. At first brush I would like to note that we have a psychology lecturer suggesting that this implies more people should study […]

Quote of the day: Uskali Maki on economics

From the prelude to ‘Fact and Fiction in Economics‘ comes the following gem by Maki: “Is economics a respectful and useful reality-oriented discipline or just an intellectual game that economists play in their sandbox filled with toy models?” Variants of these questions fly around all the time. Why are economists making unrealistic assumptions? Why won’t […]

On studying economics

I was going to do a quote by Joan Robinson as a quote of the day – but then I realised, I’d done this before! The purpose of studying economics is not to acquire a set of ready-made answers to economic questions, but to learn how to avoid being deceived by economists. And in 2008 […]