Entries by Matt Nolan

Bank of England on solvency and liquidity

Nice communication piece by the Bank of England by talking about solvency and liquidity: The article explains that a bank’s capital base and its holdings of liquid assets are both important in helping a bank to withstand certain types of shocks. But, just as their natures as ‘financial resources’ differ, so does the nature of […]

Translation: Shifting the risk to the taxpayer

I’m seeing a lot of this recently (via Twitter) The Israeli model is successful because the Israeli government, rather than funding incubator managers, invest in start-up companies to the tune of $500k to $750k. The model integrates 85% government and 15% private first stage investment, with the government input reducing risk at the early stages […]

Five year anniversary of Lehman Brothers

Sunday was the 5-year anniversary of the failure of Lehman Brothers – there was a live-streaming Twitter account, an good article by Liam Dann reminiscing, and a pointer to what he wrote about the crisis at the time. Given how well his article held up, I was tempted to see what embarrassing things I said […]