Entries by Matt Nolan

Sumner praises Bill English

Straight from the Money Illusion, Scott Sumner discussing his recent trip to Australia: I was particularly impressed with the talk given by the representative from the New Zealand government (Bill English) but will admit to knowing little about that place, other than that that their people live in Hobbit-style dwellings. Whether you agree with the […]

Cochrane’s macroprudential rules

John Cochrane has a great post up on his blog about macroprudential policy, where he notes three important rules to their implementation: Humility about our lack of knowledge, and thereby avoiding fine-tuning (note, the burden of proof may be set in different ways for “structural” policy – but when it comes to changing policy actively […]

Math, reading, and purpose

Noah Smith recently smashed math in economics (specifically macroeconomics) stating: Math can also be used as obscurantism; if every paper in a field starts with a dense thicket of formal statements and functional equations, it will be difficult for even very smart outsiders to come in and evaluate what the people in a field are […]

Resource booms and income distribution

Via Vox Eu comes a piece looking at the distributional consequences of resource booms – using Australian data.  Their conclusion: We need good time series data from developing countries to see whether the distributional impact is bigger there than what we find for Australia. Until then, the analysis here seems timely and relevant, not just […]