Entries by Matt Nolan

The milk powder bans

The NZ milk powder bans dairy product bans  (make that all dairy products for Russia, and milk powder from Australiasia from China), in China and Russia are undeniably a big deal.  The most important point is of course that no-one gets hurt – so having the countries ban milk powder until there is information available […]

More on housing!

I don’t like to post on weekends, but I had to point to these asap: Luke Malpass from NZI writing about non-residenti housing purchase bans (see me being too abrasive here – I will be more careful in the future) Seamus Hogan from University of Canterbury and Offsetting Behaviour on Affordable housing – five basic […]

Can’t win in “managing the economy” it seems!

Via Kiwiblog I spotted this: The Government has no qualms about Australian companies shifting jobs to New Zealand because of lower wages. Labour is concerned that New Zealand is becoming a desirable destination for Australian businesses taking advantage of the wage gap. Several big Australian banks and food producers have shifted jobs to New Zealand […]

Teach someone to fish …

Give a community fish, and you feed them for a day. Teach a community to fish, and they will overfish the common pool resource. Give someone in the community a property right over the fish, and they will fish sustainably but will be endowed with monopoly rents over fish. So surely you see why I’m […]

Wolak strikes back

Remember the energy policy disucssion (here and here on TVHE) – where the Labour and Greens took a number from the Wolak report to try to justify a single buyer model.  Via a reader here is Frank Wolak himself:  (More details here) The Labour-Greens’ single buyer electricity policy has a problem. While it remains politically […]