Entries by Matt Nolan

The dangers of “financial stability”

In an otherwise clear, insightful, and useful speech regarding the use of macroprudential tools – and why – the Reserve Bank states the following While the Reserve Bank’s mandate is to promote financial stability, not social equity, there are clear implications here for housing affordability. As house prices and debt levels trend increasingly upwards, so […]

Deleveraging: The question that never gets answered

Britmouse over at uneconomical has this golden quote: Those who assert that households “need” to deleverage (which is really an argument about expected future income) must address the question of the desired level of leverage.  Is 144% too high or too low; how should we decide where to draw the line?  Should we let central […]

Quote of the Day: Barry Ritholtz on the outlook

Via Justin Wolfers on twitter comes this excellent quote – an answer to “what is your outlook on the markets and the economy”: I think it is of much greater value to be able to put the current situation into broader context, via a variety of variables and factors, than make guesses about the future. […]

Good marginal revolution posts for today

Ahh I see two Tyler Cowen posts up in the past 24 hours that I have to list down for future reference: On the jump in bond rates as the Fed suggested a tapering in QE was in sight. On the differences of views between the economics community and economics blogs. I would note a […]