Entries by Matt Nolan

Series on tax: Part 3 – poll taxes, ability taxes, and fairness considerations

Over on Rates Blog they’ve popped up part three of the six part thing I’m writing about tax.  Over here, we’ve blogged on part 1 and part 2, and added a part 2b for kicks. You’ll notice I’m doing sometime pretty specific when I’m loitering around the tax system.  I’m talking about the properties of […]

Rant on more NIIP complaints

I wrote this as a comment over on Dim Post on this blog post.  Then I decided, why don’t I just use this rant as a blog post instead, so I don’t need to think of anything else to write?  Sure, very few people will see it, but it will reduce my workload for the […]

A tax by any other name

Over on Frog Blog Russell Norman says we should have a rational debate about policy – in this instance the idea of having the RBNZ finance government spending by buying government bonds when the government increases spending.  Good, this is the right sort of attitude, we should be willing to debate and discuss everything – […]

Series on tax: Part 2b – let’s experiment with explanations

In the second part of my series on taxation I wrote about distortion and burden.  But I’m not sure whether my description about wedges and how people respond to prices was necessarily clear enough for a non-economist audience.  So I’m going to experiment with some other ways of articulating what I mean – ways that […]