Entries by Matt Nolan

The excel error in Rogoff-Reinhart

I see the Rogoff-Reinhart figures regarding the correlation between GDP growth and the size of the debt stock are currently under attack – due largely to an unfortunate excel error discovered reported by Mike Konczal.  Here are the list of posts about it at the moment: The initial post. Tyler Cowen’s thoughts. The R-R reply. […]

Let’s be careful judging savers

Although my article might not give that impression at first glance – that is actually where I am in agreement with Bob Jones here.  However, I’m also saying that the RBNZ governor isn’t wrong about bringing up the “savings issue”, and it is fair for us to discuss where marketand government failures are … including […]

Minimum wage and tax on low income earners

What would you say if I told you I was currently in control of a hypothetical little country in my head – other than accusing me of of having some form of psychosis. In this little country there is a group of low income earners, who have a reservation wage (the hourly satisfaction from growing […]