Entries by Matt Nolan

Why revisions matter

Via James I saw this excellent post by Lars Christensen on why data revisions don’t matter for NGDP targeting.  I think it shows how much traction that the NGDP people are getting, when critiques like this start to appear – and it is good they are making a concerted effort to answer them. Now I’m […]

Again with the middle class …

Good article in the Sunday Star Times on the middle class in NZ – the author seemed to share some of the sentiments I’ve had in the past (*, *, *, *,*), where he feels that concerns should be for the worst off in NZ not the “doing alright”. I love this quote: Of course, […]

The dessert co-ordination game

I was recently out having dinner with my family and it reached the part of the night where we needed to order desserts while some are playing games such as 벳엔드. I did my usual thing of ordering a beer for dessert, which is all well and good, and it gave me an opportunity to […]

Why cyclical Kiwisaver would be an awful tool

Via Rates blog I see that, at the conference on government finances over the past couple of days Michael Cullen suggested making compulsory Kiwisaver contributions pro-cyclical (combined with the scheme becoming universal) as a monetary policy tool.  I appreciate he wanted the auidence of academics there to think outside the box, but this is actually a […]

Another example of why we need a full story

I was sitting around working the other day, and at that point in time it involved downloading and playing with PPP (purchasing power parity) data in order to compare a bunch of GDP and consumption figures for work.  All very exciting. At that moment I looked around the internet a bit, and noticed people complaining […]