Entries by Matt Nolan

Time to build state houses?

Labour has an interesting proposal to build state houses.  I know some other economists who have a more intimate knowledge of the building industry, and they tend to agree with the concept.  From what I can tell the justification is: The credit market for builders/developers/housing is dysfunctional at present and there is no direct solution. […]

A hole in construction employment … really?

A big deal was made during the release of the Household Labour Force Survey (HLFS) of the decline in construction employment.  According to the HLFS, employees in the construction industry (including the self-employed) fell 4.0% from a year earlier in the September quarter – even as New Zealand’s second biggest city was supposed to be […]

Fiscal policy and the ZLB

Some links. Marginal Revolution.  Mainly Macro. Summary:  The implied impact of fiscal policy at the ZLB is the same channel as direct monetary policy (such as QE).  Response is, yes but we have more certainty about the impact of fiscal policy. Sidenote:  As the central bank directly does balance sheet management instead of changing the […]