Entries by Matt Nolan

Cartoon: How to find out if someone is an economist

The always awesome Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal (SMBC) popped this comic up. The thing is, when I saw the first panel the first question that popped into my mind was “nominal or real dollars” – the amount I ask that, all day long, is ridiculous.  These things are always best when they are relatively true …

The outlook for oil: An interview with Hamilton

Oilprice.com has a good interview with James Hamilton from Econbrowser up on their site.  I’d suggest taking a look 😉 As will one day become clear, one of the big drivers of the slowdown in the developed world has been the sharp increase in commodity prices – specifically oil.  While the global financial crisis was a […]

What has been driving the real exchange rate?

For anyone that has been looking at posts over here, or carefully listening to Reserve Bank speeches, the topic of the real exchange rate is an important one for understanding the New Zealand economy.  Many of the “concerns” or “issues” being raised at present are really just a function of some view of the real […]

Why I shouldn’t read the paper

It appears that much of the media (some parts excluded) wants to make the discussion of monetary policy a titianic battle between opposing forces – rather than informing the public of the trade-offs that exist, and the issues that are currently being looked into. There are two issues currently being debated – only the first […]


The new policy targets argreement is out today.  What have we got? For the purpose of this agreement, the policy target shall be to keep future CPI inflation outcomes between 1 per cent and 3 per cent on average over the medium term, with a focus on keeping future average inflation near the 2 per […]