Entries by Matt Nolan

Are real Austrian economists neoclassical?

According to this lovely post, the answer is yes (ht Economist’s View).  Choice quote: Does Davidson know what a neoclassical policy is? Does Boettke? Does anyone? I don’t think so, because neoclassical economics, as such, has no policy agenda. But whatever a neoclassical policy might be, Davidson assures us that Hayek is totally against it. […]

A great pile of links

Economist’s View has put up the best daily link fest I’ve seen in a while today. The two I’m 100% going back to when I get a chance are the links on inequality (pet interest issue of mine, and all economists) and the nice summary of the actions taken by the Fed over the past […]

Europe, what …

Things were looking so good … and then this: Spiegel Online leads with an update to its news story on Monday, according to which the interest rate threshold is likely to be top secret. The story said that a majority of central banks have rejected the idea of transparent interest rate caps. The what … […]

Banking panics and deflation

When looking at the European debt crisis, and even before that the Global Financial Crisis, people constantly described the risks as being shown through deflation – if we experienced deflation monetary policy must do “all it can” to turn things around and help to boost the economy. The lack of deflation around the world in […]