Entries by Matt Nolan

Quote of the day: On dispassionate analysis

From Tyler Cowen, comes this beaut: A while ago a few people drew a contrast between a more dispassionate style of (blog) analysis and a more explicitly moralizing approach.  I would frame it differently.  Pluralism reigns and there are many different moral values of import.  The moralizing approach tends to leave a writer stuck in […]

Ethics and description

In the past couple of days I’ve run into a couple of places in the internet that left we confused. First, via Education Directions I noticed this article on the way of “valuing assets” that takes into account social value.  The claim is that: Western accounting needs to recast the narrow, individualistic and economically bound […]

Persistently high unemployment doesn’t mean the government should spend more

With the unemployment rate coming in at 6.8% in the June quarter, the unemployment rate has been “persistently high”.  There are three broad mechanisms we can “blame”this on: A “supply shock” across the economy (eg high fuel prices, financial crisis) A requirement for a reorganisation in the skills needed in the labour market (eg the […]

Justifying macroprudential policy

Here is a good post on VoxEU, that aim to give a strong conceptual framework for justifying macroprudential policies: The purpose of macroprudential policy is to reduce ‘systemic risk’ … It is common to distinguish two key aspects of systemic risk. One is the “time-series dimension”: the procyclicality of the financial system, that manifests in […]