Entries by Matt Nolan

More on the economics of love

There is an excellent article on the Stuff website about the economics of love, an issue we’ve written about a couple of time before. While I enjoy using economic concepts to describe relationships, I hadn’t actually considered the fact that we have a lot more cold hard data now-a-days with online dating!  I quite enjoyed […]

Journalist ideological, can’t read

This seems like an insulting and bigoted statement – and it is.  It is an arrogant statement that reflects more poorly on me than anyone I could be writing about! I just felt that if I was going to write about this piece discussing inequality in healthcare provision by Auckland University, I should start with […]

The issue of assumptions

In a recent post, James recently raised an essential, and fascinating, point on assumptions.  To borrow his own words: Assumptions are often made for tractability, rather than realism, yet still influence our conclusions. It isn’t possible to control for the unrealistic assumptions; if it were we wouldn’t have made them. That means our conclusions will […]