Entries by Matt Nolan

Explaining the food headlines

Yesterday we were told two things in media headlines: Dairy weighs on food Food prices up 1.4% in June, biggest monthly rise in a year So what is it, did food prices go up lots or did they fall?  Who was right, Stuff or NBR? Well, they were both right – although Stuff was a […]

Careful with regulation

Here is an article I wrote for the fine people over at Idealog on regulation.  The primer is: Tobacco prices must be higher, alcohol availability is going to be limited, and even Coca-Cola has come in for a lashing for being an addictive substance. But this obsession comes with a cost that policymakers need to […]

Tarotnomics: Part 1 – The cards

While enjoying the economics at the NZAE conference this year, I felt that, in 2013, I should really submit something.  After a few beers I worked out that my comparative advantage likely lies outside the core of economics – and so I decided that a paper on the economics of tarot card reading was in […]

How to sell superannuation changes

While sitting today I got very confused.  I realised that I could really see future generations currently stealing resources off me in the way I keep hearing. Now, as was quickly pointed out to me by my work colleagues’ resources are in fact being “stolen off me” in two ways: Future taxes will need to […]

A summary of credit creation

This post on VoxEU gives a neat summary of the credit creation process, and the ways that collateral chains have had an impact on the process. I’m not going to reiterate the post – as it is concise, and if you are interested it would be a good idea to go and read it.  However, […]