New blogger: Acemoglu
Daron Acemoglu has a new book out with James Robinson–the catchily titled Why Nations Fail–and they have a blog to support it. Add it to your reader because, seriously, Daron Acemoglu daily in your inbox: what’s not to like!?
Daron Acemoglu has a new book out with James Robinson–the catchily titled Why Nations Fail–and they have a blog to support it. Add it to your reader because, seriously, Daron Acemoglu daily in your inbox: what’s not to like!?
Offsetting behaviour by Eric Crampton (ht Anti-Dismal).
Already there is a set of post on policy ignorance up. Here is a quote from here:
Political ignorance then is ignorance about how the political system works in general rather than necessarily ignorance about any specific policy issue
I can tell you’re interested, go give it a look already 😉