Given that Alan Bollard felt compelled to get out his crystal ball when it comes to discussing the next year, I feel like I should get hold of my tarot cards to see what the year ahead holds.
As I have said previously, the general justification for tarot card reading is the same as for any sort of forecasting, or even policy analysis – it provides a framework, which is objectively verifiable, which you can hang your value judgments off and get conclusions from. Tarot cards use theoretical archetypes as its framework, while economic forecasting uses supply and demand and a bunch of measured data. We may not feel that the framework used in tarot card reading is particularly well suited to this task – as it isn’t. But that isn’t going to stop me trying.
So without further adieu, here is the Celtic Cross reading for the New Zealand economy over 2011 – with a specific focus on the labour market.
Note: I read the CC differently to those instructions – all will be explained. The main difference is that the “cross” is treated as a self-contained general reading, while the “staff” is a ‘sort of self-contained’ specific reading – in this case solely on the labour market.
Note 2: In case it isn’t obvious, the comparison between the relatively holistic tarot card reading framework and the more reductionist economic framework is meant to be facetious
Note 3: No offence intended for professional economists or tarot card readers 😉
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