Actors back union out of self-interest
I agree with Peter Jackson that the Aussie film union is a “bully boy”. And I find the actors supporting a boycott of the Hobbit highly self-interested.
For one, we know that having the unionisation of the workforce will lead to fewer movies, and the exclusion of potential “actors” who would work for lower wages – but can now not get a job.
Given this though you might say, how are the wealthy actors being self-interested? After all, these minimum conditions have nothing to do with them! However, this is just not true.
Since we know that unionisation limits the potential pool of actors, and that the acting skill requires “learning by doing“, we can say that this type of unionisation limits competition for actors roles – and so will push up the wage these actors can demand.
How can we say that labour in the NZ film industry is being exploited? These people are willing to work for the current wage – and there is an industry here willing to hire them. The fact that some of the workers want to exclude other workers from the industry to drive up their own wages is abhorrent – and I don’t understand why these big name actors believe they are taking the moral high ground when they are simply acting in their own self-interest