In a comment to a post on Anti-Dismal about a post on the Standard, which I have also commented on here, Clinton Smith said:
If you think that macroeconomics is the same as microeconomics because of where the word economics comes from, you’ve got a long way to come.
I thought I should lay down what I think – and so I did in the comments at Anti-Dismal:
Methodologically macroeconomics should simply be applied microeconomics. Microeconomics is the general discipline, and macroeconomics is a specific application (and set of value judgments) that can be used for (economy-wide) policy.
Trying to do macro without an understanding of micro is like trying to fix a machine without knowing how it works – hence why so many “non-economists” (I hate that term) get lost.
This is how the macro-micro distinction rolls around in my head – but of course, it is not necessarily that simple. Do you guys have any idea about how I could improve this distinction – I think a set of posts might be in order for discussing this issue.