Bleg: Grimes on bubbles
Arthur Grimes recently gave an interview to Reuters, all I’ve seen so far is this write up via Raf on Twitter (cheers). Now Grimes is an incredibly good New Zealand economist, to put things in perspective I would generally put more weight on a single line of his opinion of something than I would on my own intuition and analysis of issues – an given that as individuals we are strongly biased towards our own views that is pretty significant.
But anyone who reads TVHE knows what I’m like, I just really really want to know ‘why’ certain things are being said! I emailed a few economists and some suggested I do a bleg asking, so why not!
In the Yahoo story there are a couple of segments I’m a touch confused on and I’d like it if someone could answer them for me 🙂 (Note: Seamus from Offsetting offers some example answers at the bottom of this post)