When times are tough, mess around
That is the Greek attitude it seems.
They need to default, leave the Euro zone so that they can have their own currency (and the huge corresponding real wage cut). Surely it is obvious that the politicians, and the people, don’t have the will to actually sort out their problems.
I want to know what the protesters want. How do the tax collectors think that not collecting tax is going to help Greece pay its bills? With the level of corruption and tax evasion in Greece prior to the crisis, it appears that their “social contract” was never really adhered too.
I will give them one point though – they may think the distribution of the burden is “not fair”. However, not collecting tax on current policies (not the new austerity ones) appears to be an overstep – and a signal that people are just generally unwilling to pay their bills. Pro-tip: If you elect a government who is going to spend lots of money, its your money they’re spending – you will have to pay for it at some point. Contrary to popular belief government doesn’t pull goods and services out of thin air.