Am I the only person left that believes in this rule of thumb? From a Herald article on the IMF:
Policy makers will need to employ judgment to look at what is driving asset price movements and discretion to avoid costly policy mistakes
Now to be fair, they also suggest that maybe central banks should have some other tools than just the interest rate. But the fact is that, for now, they don’t. Banks should not be targeting asset prices with interest rates at the same time as they are targeting inflation – its a recipe for policy failure.
Sure, use prudential regulation and try to deal with information issues in financial markets and the such to try and ensure that people face more of the risk regarding their own actions. But don’t use the interest rates to attack asset prices.
There is no discretion here. The central bank is trying to hold inflation at a target level given their interest rate tool. Just do that. It is mechanical, yes. It is boring, yes. It will not prevent crises, yes. It is best policy, yes.