An economist licence
We licence other service professions, why not applied economists?
What I’m thinking is that economists could get a licence through a university where they have to sit an exam on certain, essential, points of economics. They would have to resit it every 5 years. Don’t make the licence compulsory persee, just make it something that economists can put up when they talk – like a master builder sticker.
This way we could make sure that all registered economists have a full recollection of concepts likes the “impossible trinity“, the lack of a long-run Phillips curve, how to interpret relative prices, the prisoner’s dilemma, and what comparative advantage is.
Note: Of course, different types of economists need different fundamental skills, so there might have to be a slight range of licences.
I mean, I would definitely enjoy the occasional refresher course on central concepts in economic analysis and I think setting it up in this way could be a useful way for non-economists to recognise that if they are getting a certain standardised level of economic advice.