Please President Obama, stand up for my nations freedom to trade
There has been talk of the US performing a “stocktake” of free trade agreements – a stocktake that will likely end with New Zealand still being stung by quotas and tariffs when American citizens and New Zealand citizens want to trade.
This does not seem consistent with the platform of change that President Obama promised, not just the US, but the entire world. Please President – now is the time to show that you are a world leader that believes in freedom, that believes in a brighter day for all men, irrespective of their race or creed.
Please Mr President – show the world that you have the power to strike down the lobby groups, and fight for the liberties of both your own people and the people of the world. Give the citizens of our nations the freedom to trade for mutual benefit – and for the betterment of all.
Kiwiblog, Homepaddock, and the Standard express similarish sentiments.