Fiscal stimulus and leakage

On this fine Waitangi day, Marginal Revolution mentions that Ireland is actually cutting spending in the face of a deteriorating economic climate.

Tyler Cowen gives a few reasons why this may be the way to go for Ireland:

A few things are worth noting.  First, a small open economy has a harder time making fiscal stimulus work.  Second, a small open economy often has to worry more about its credit rating.  Third, a small open economy offers a tougher testing ground for macroeconomic “field experiments” because there are more confounding external factors

Looking solely at the first point, it is “harder to get the stimulus to work” because of “leakage”. Fundamentally, some of the stimulus will lead to an increase in production overseas (through rising imports) rather than greater production at home.

This matters because the purpose of the stimulus is to increase “domestic production” to increase employment to its natural rate.  If all the stimulus does is increase imports then it doesn’t do this.  (Although I would note that if it did solely increase imports, the exchange rate would depreciate, which should lead to some substitution from imports to domestic production)

For small open economies the idea of a fiscal stimulus may become a “prisoner’s dilemma” where all the countries are best off if everyone stimulates but there is the potential for an individual country to “free-ride” by taking the stimulus from overseas and not stimulating themselves.  In this case, each country will individually choose not to stimulate – and they will all end up in a situation where output is stuck below potential (this has been mentioned before by Paul Krugman etc – does anyone have the links, I can’t find them 🙁 )

Stimulus package for bloggers

If we have to have a stimulus package in New Zealand (because the government feels it HAS to do something), then maybe they could have a stimulus for bloggers.  The case is made here (ht Marginal Revolution).  It is a 14 point argument – so it must be right!

I would add that there is a concern surrounding entry – people may flood into the blogger industry trying to get the subsidy as there is virtually no barrier to entry.  Sure this will increase employment – but it will make the cost of the subsidy unbounded.  As a result, they should restrict the subsidy to bloggers on the current Tumeke rankings 😉

December unemployment rate of 4.6%

The unemployment rate rose to 4.6% – definitely on the low end of my expected distribution. However, the participation rate rose to an all time high and employment rose 0.9%. This was very different to the strong (seasonally adjusted) fall in the quarterly employment survey.

This result indicates a stronger labour market than anyone has been picking. However, don’t forget to look at hours worked. Hours worked is the true “labour input” and that has fallen 2.8% on a year ago – the sharpest fall since the recession of the early 90’s. With hours falling like that I can’t see unemployment staying low for long …

What do you guys think?

Unemployment rate will be ….

Everyone agrees that the key number to look out for today will be the unemployment rate – although significant declines in hours worked and employment will also be of interest. There is talk of unemployment reaching 4.7% in the market – I’m a little more pessimistic, but lets just put that to the side. Update: iPredicit is picking 4.8% 1 hour before the data is released.

An unemployment rate with a 5 in front of it will be a negative shock to the market – and would indicate that unemployment has risen very rapidly. Personally I believe that if this recession is really turning into a demand side slump this is what we will see.

An unemployment rate of less than 4.5% would make me very suspicious about where our economy is going. Sure it would still be an increase in unemployment, which isn’t nice. However, 5% is still the “neutral” unemployment rate in our economy. If unemployment is under 4.5% then I would be forced to upwardly revise my view of the NZ economy – and question why the RBNZ has cut rates so far.

Note: The reason I am so pessimistic about unemployment is that, given the growth numbers (and expectations) people are throwing around we would HAVE to see a sharp increase in unemployment. I don’t find call of a 1.3% fall in output and a 6.4% peak in unemployment consistent …

Where the RBA and RBNZ don’t agree

Following yesterday’s 100 basis point rate cut by the Reserve Bank of Australia, a statement was released that appeared to indicated that this could be the END of cuts by the RBA.

This surprised me, given that the RBNZ has stated that it is looking at cutting rates. At 3.5% our cash rate is only 25 basis points higher than the Aussie rate – implying that we might cut BELOW our neighbours, which would be very unusual. Why?

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On the RMA reforms

So the National government is reforming the Resource Management Act, interesting.

Now anyone that says the changes are to help “during the crisis” is tripping – changing the RMA is a structural, long-term, issue not a “stimulus” issue. Framing it as a stimulus issue may help National to sell it – but that is not really why, or why they should be, doing it.

From listening to people (and reading this from Nick Smith) talk about it there appears to be three main thrusts of attack on the RMA:

  1. Stop the use of the RMA as an anti-competition device,
  2. Reduce the ability of the RMA to be used as a “hold-up” device against initiatives.
  3. “Streamline” consents of “national interest”.

The first change is brilliant and well needed – any policy that can be used in an anti-competitive fashion needs to have provisions to deal with it.  The second concept is also very true – there are times when people use the law to increase the return they will make from the consent, this is no good.  However, the third concept is a bit dodgy for me – I think we need to be a bit careful when using it.  Here is the way I see “national interest”:

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