Sped up change: Blackberry, Crackberry, gone?
Blackberry, the phonemaker that popularized smartphones, may put itself up for sale. It has gone from a superstar to a has-been in less than a decade. Its share price has fallen from a peak of US$140 in 2008 to around $10 now. It was severely disrupted by Apple and other smartphone makers. I am one of those who migrated from obsessing over my Blackberry at the dinner table to obsessing over my iPhone at the dinner table – I don’t miss it one bit.
This had me wondering what it means to live in a fast changing world, where loyalties are fickle and preferences turn on a dime. I had a bit of time at the airport in Taranaki. This blog is asking those questions out loud and does not have fully formed answers. I want your views.
Blackberry share price (from Yahoo!Finance)
Blackberry’s fall from grace is Joseph Schumpeter’s “creative destruction” in action.